20 March 2012

Schizophrenic Terminator

When I boil it right down to basics, I have very few things to actually do. Turn up to work, coast through college, try and walk by the three bars that tempt me with their sweet, sweet beer on the way to the gym that I feel obliged to attend, and at least kid myself on that one day I will quit smoking. That's about it.

I write this blog from the comfort of my own home as my classmates sit through a lecture that I'm sure will be marginally less entertaining than watching Paris Hilton act while dressed. I am fresh off having a schizophrenic debate with myself about whether or not to phone in sick for work tonight because not only would that mean no work but also no gym, and the thing that helped me win the argument with my brain is that if I go to work I can have smoke. This, everyone, is how you fail at life.

I befriended a girl recently who has four jobs and studies how to perform brain surgery whilst sciencing the shit out of rockets...or something like that. I have a friend who works full time, volunteers and plays bass in a band. Where the fuck do you people find the motivation? Seriously, tell me. I need to know...now. Coffee doesn't work because I just end up excitedly flicking through Okay! magazine whilst on the toilet, I don't have the money (yet) for a cocaine habit and trying to self motivate myself is laughably embarrassing:
    "Ryan...Ryan...why don't you, like, maybe do something?"
"Because fuck you brain, that's why. When I want your advice I'll ask for it, now put me back to sleep and start off from where that jelly-wrestling dream left-off or so help me God I will drink your cells into an early grave."

If I had even slightly more motivation I could focus on writing a thrilling novel that no publisher would touch instead of this, arguably low-brow, blog. I don't need Terminator-esque determination, just enough so that when I wake up in the morning my first thought isn't that I already need this day to end.

If anyone knows how to achieve this with minimal effort, please tell me, because right now it's like my relationship with Emma Watson - impossible.

Keep on truckin' :)


  1. Motivation you say? You have to find something you enjoy doing first. Not masturbation, that won't help you with your motivation problems. How do I know? Because I know.

    Read The Element by Ken Robinson. It won't solve anything for you but it tells you how to start looking. Where and what for, that's on you.

    In the words of a drunk friend of mine, "Fucking Do Something!"

    1. lol, consider it placed on my Amazon wish list mate! It's gonna be hard to ween myself off of masturbation though :s

  2. Terminal Laziness should really be defined in some medical dictionary. A badly written and structured medical dictionary at that.

    You're not gonna suddenly develop an undying love for the things you mostly scoff at. That only applies to scoffing then loving people. You just need to discover the activities which get you out of bed in the morning.

    whatever those are, now thats the really hard and soul destroying part!

    1. Badly written and structured medical dictionary's are the only ones I read! I'm sure I'll stumble onto something eventually...I'm fairly sure it will be unsavoury though so I doubt I'll blog about it :s

  3. It's aero-mechanical engineering actually. Idiot.

  4. My description sounded way cooler and less terroristy :p

  5. Aero-mechanical engineering? I suppose that's Brittish for Aerospace engineering.

    At least you have time to write a blog, that's a start.

    1. I do a joint aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering degree that encorporates both :)

  6. Can't believe I'm nodding along to this but I
    Can't deny it!


Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest things for me to look into or just plain abuse me!